BSI á Íslandi ehf. | Skútuvogi 1d, 104 Reykjavík | | 414 4444

Application – Certification of management systems (ISO)

Course in requirements and updatingISO/IEC 27001:2022

from 11/04/2023 to 15/04/2023

Comprehensive calibration service

BSI in Iceland also has its services in the field of metrology and now offers extensive calibration services. Now parties can apply for services from us either for legal validation or calibration of their measuring devices.

The calibration service takes place in Skútuvogur 1d, 104 Reykjavík and you can apply for the service on our website or contact us directly.

Calibration of measuring devices is used in many places in our environment,
but the following devices are most commonly calibrated:














Rafhita-og glermaælar


Hitamælar með IR nema



Certificate in accordance with standard

Certificates for calibrations from BSI in Iceland follow the requirements of ISO 17025 in all aspects for certified calibrations and as far as possible for non-certified calibrations.

Calibration methods for weights, scales and thermometers received accreditation from the British accreditation agency United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) on March 21, 2022 and BSI in Iceland received the accreditation number 0823.

You can apply for calibration services here:

Further information

More information can be obtained from our office on phone or send us a mail.


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