Application for conformity assessment and validation of scales
BSI in Iceland can now offer certification of all automatic scales and non-automatic scales up to a maximum capacity of 3,000 kg on behalf of HMS
By legalizing measuring devices in operation, consumers are being protected and thereby creating trust in business
In order to see if a measuring device is legal, you can check if there is a certification label on it. The ticket is punched through with a year and a number representing the month n to show the end of the validation period . That means that holes through 8 and 20 23 mean that the season ends at the end of August 2023 .
Which measuring devices are subject to certification?
Store scales, self-service scales, fish processing scales, meat processing scales, harbor scales , flow meters, pumps, electricity meters, water meters, etc.
Validations are carried out in accordance with regulations:
- On metrological control of non-automatic scales no. 254/2009 .
- On metrological control of automatic scales no. 253/2009 .
Further information
More information can be obtained from our office on phone or send us a mail.