BSI á Íslandi ehf. | Skútuvogi 1d, 104 Reykjavík | | 414 4444

ISO 27001:2022 – Upplýsingaöryggi – Requirements & Update
Course in requirements and updating ISO/IEC 27001:2022


30. júní, 2023


júní 30, 2023


Information security is extremely important to the organization and stakeholders.


BSI has developed a comprehensive one-day course that examines in detail the implications of the international standard for information security management(ISO/IEC 27001:2022).


This course will help you to:

  • Gain an understanding of effective information security management
  • Know the main requirements and benefits of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
  • Manage information security in the organization
  • Take steps to ensure that information security is at the heart of the organization
  • Attract and retain customers by better meeting current and future information security needs

Ávinningur námskeiðs

You will gain an understanding of effective information security management for the organization and its stakeholders and the protection of information with a focus on confidentiality, correctness and availability.


BSI has developed a comprehensive one-day course that examines in detail the implications of the international standard for information security management(ISO/IEC 27001:2022).

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Explained the history and development of ISO/IEC 27001
  • Describe what an information security management system (ISMS – Information Security Management System) is
  • Know the benefits of ISMS
  • Know the key concepts, principles and structure of ISO/IEC 27001
  • Know the main requirements of ISO/IEC 27001


Fyrir hverja er námskeiðið?

  • All managers
  • Management representatives for ISO/IEC 27001
  • IT Managers
  • System Managers
  • Information Security Officers
  • Anyone involved in consulting or working on the implementation of ISO/IEC 27001

Nánari upplýsingar

  • Course duration: 1 day, taught from 09:00 – 16:30
  • Course materials are in English
  • Instructor: Specialist from BSI in Iceland
  • Price: ISK 98,000– includes: coffee, side dishes and lunch along with course materials.


BSI customers have a 10% discount on courses. A 20% discount is given by another participant if there are more than one participant from the same company/institution.

More information can be obtained from our office on phone 414 4444 or send us a mail at .

Við tökum vel á móti öllum spurningum og ábendingum til þess að geta bætt þjónustu okkar. Svo er líka alltaf gaman að fá hrós.
Þjónustuver og netspjallið er opið mán-fim: 8:30-16 og fös: 8:30-15

Ekki hika við að hafa samband, hlökkum til að heyra frá þér!


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